The foam roller has become the most popular way to self-treat since it is providing relief from both tight and sore muscles. Learn how to use this roller the right way with a myofascial therapist.
Myofascial restrictions twist our bodies out of harmony and can create symptoms in other areas that resemble tightness or weakness. A myofascial restriction in the hip can cause knee pain just as much as an old scar in your back can contribute to the same knee pain. Learning how to apply the principles of myofascial release to your routine can provide longer lasting results in just 5 minutes a day.
Don’t let another day go by where you cannot play the sport you enjoy or the complete the workout you need. Get into that zone of life is good in just 5 minutes a day.

How to start rolling
Lay the roller vertically and sit at one end. Slowly lie back so your complete spine and head is on the roller. Keeping your feet wide will help with your balance. Begin with your arms out to the sides and like a kid makes snow angels move your arms like you have wings. Move slowly and with the intention to feel the left and right sides. Come to rest in an area where you feel a pull of tension maybe in your arms or across your chest. Take a few deep breaths and begin to slowly telescope your arms away as to reach into the direction of tension. Then begin to contract and release the muscle to further feel the tension. You may find your spine begin to role and slide side to side in an effort to release the tension. It feels like that morning stretch when you first wake up. Find one area of tension and maintain the position for 5 minutes. The stretch may feel like a rope burning or taffy pulling. Never force but rather wait at the barrier until you feel it release. When you first discover the feeling it can be scary as it can burn or even feel like an injury but if you are gentle you will never injure yourself.
The purpose of the roller is to position the body or hold the body in gravity to feel the lines of tension. By positioning the arms out to the side while lying on the roller the arms are in gravity, therefore allowing you to feel the tension in the arms as they are held off the floor. Rolling the roller over the areas of tension should be done slowly and avoid areas that may cause damage to sensitive structures. A myofascial therapist should be consulted with if you are not aware of the endangerment sites. It is also important to note that rolling without awareness can cause repetitive stress injuries as the denseness of the roller can damage the fascial system.

Start Slowly, never force.
Keep connected to your breath and always allow yourself the time for exploration.
Visualize the 3-dimensional web of fascia.
If you cannot feel any release schedule a treatment so you can connect with your fascial system and restore your health.
Happy rolling!
There’s so much you can do with a roller. Get started now!