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Carolyn Hough MFR Therapy-FF-01.jpg

I help active adults and athletes get back to the workouts and sports they love without pain killers, injections or multiple trips to the doctor.

​321-704-2093 call or text

6550 N. Wicham Road, Melbourne, FL

Inside Ameriprise Financial

MA 78053
MM 45926


Myofascial work is a treatment that is completed in comfortable gym-like shorts and a loose fitted tee shirt.  There are no massage oils used and it is completed directly on your skin.  After an assessment of your posture and review of your medical history a plan is created of specialized techniques.  The plan is designed to release the stress and tension responsible for putting the pressure on pain sensitive areas.  


Enjoy your life by eliminating pain at its source.  Like stretching taffy it takes time for the fascia to melt and stretch returning to it's natural healthy alignment.  Fascia is a three-dimensional web that protects our tissue and organs by maintaining the space and hydration necessary for the systems of the body to work coherently.  When injury occurs the fascia goes into a protective spasm that puts pressure in the web thereby causing symptoms in pain sensitive tissue that are hard to diagnose.  When traditional therapy, pain medication and surgery do not produce the desired results Myofascial Release may be the missing link and help you return to a pain free active lifestyle.


Myofascial Release helps people who have tried other therapies without success or with little results.  MFR helps athletes who are looking for a competitive edge.  MFR helps chronic pain sufferers maintain their health and wellness by providing proper mobility and balance.  MFR helps those who suffer with PTSD and stress related diseases by bringing harmony to the central nervous system. Women's health issues, cancer treatments, pre and post surgery recovery have all benefited from MFR.  The list goes on as MFR treats your entire body, your entire person, not just symptoms or a diagnosis.  MFR considers where you are physically and what has contributed to your condition.  Most of all, MFR helps people regain their active lifestyle with less pain.


Soon after graduating from the NY School of Health Professions in 2009 I began my Myofascial Release journey with John F. Barnes, PT and founder of Myofascial Release therapy.  Over the past 14 years I have taken nearly all of the courses offered and completed the Expert level requirements.  Working with John F. Barnes in his clinic and being a client at one of the Myofascial Treatment Centers offered first hand experience but the most experience I have been blessed with is treating the hundreds of clients like you.


My decision to become an exclusive Myofascial therapist evolved from my own efforts to heal past injuries.  Myofascial Release was better than any medical massage, deep tissue or any other therapy I had experienced when trying to resolve my own pain from multiple injuries.  The results also helped my clients with injuries and pain they had for years that traditional therapy had only produced temporary results.


My interest in becoming a Myofascial therapist stemmed from not only my injuries but my curiosity as an athlete, personal trainer, martial artist and yoga instructor.  I sometimes feel my entire life led me to Myofascial release and the bumps and bruises along the way taught me that the fascia, which is so overlooked in traditional therapy, is the only way to truly heal the injuries from both the physical as well as the emotional trauma that follows an injury.




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